Game of Thrones
Catch Drogon
To promote Season 5 of Game of Thrones, we led fans on a dragon hunt through social media. People went online to “catch” the prodigal dragon, Drogon, by setting bait on their feed via our Giphy "Bait Shop." If Drogon replied to the post, they had a limited time to RT before he was off again, and his post was deleted.
In 24 Hours: 1 Billion Impressions // 6.6 million interactions // 154,000 new Twitter followers
Cannes: Entertainment Shortlist // 2016 Shorty Awards Winner: Gamification // One Show Merit
To promote Season 5 of Game of Thrones, we led fans on a dragon hunt through social media. People went online to “catch” the prodigal dragon, Drogon, by setting bait on their feed via our Giphy "Bait Shop." If Drogon replied to the post, they had a limited time to RT before he was off again, and his post was deleted.
In 24 Hours: 1 Billion Impressions // 6.6 million interactions // 154,000 new Twitter followers
Cannes: Entertainment Shortlist // 2016 Shorty Awards Winner: Gamification // One Show Merit

Visit the Bait Shop

Client: HBO
GCD: MIke Nuzzo
CW: Andrew Hunter
Design: Doug Murray
Partner: John Ta
My Role: AD / Concept Development